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Advice to Seniors

Trust me, I am just as scared as you are, but can you believe we are already seniors? It feels like just yesterday we were wandering through the halls of this gigantic school, asking everyone where the main office is and becoming lost in the basement looking for our gym classes. Now we know this school all too well and soon enough we will venture out into the real world. As for right now we are in September, which is only a few months away from admissions and we have to get a move on it. Right now would be a perfect time to start gathering ideas of what we would like to have in our college essay. Working on a rough draft right now will benefit you and also give you a great amount of time to have a teacher or family members take a look and help you revise it.

The college essay is a very important part of the admission process and the key is to make yourself stand out from all other applicants. Let’s say that your grades are good and SAT scores aren't the best. Don’t worry! The one thing that exceeds grades and SAT scores on a college application is showing who you are through your college essay. Try not to tell colleges who you or who you believe they think you should be; SHOW them who you are and be genuine in your essay. By taking a look at when your colleges’ admissions start, you can get an estimate of how long you have to write your essay.

I wish you all good luck throughout this process, but don’t forget that the school is full of people who can give you guidance as you move forward. This is a scary part of life that everyone goes through but with time everything will work itself out!

© 2017 From the CPHS Courier

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