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Police Brutality is Frightening

People's faces tend to turn up when the topic of police brutality is mentioned. While many believe this subject is uncomfortable, these situations happen every single day. On November 8, 2017 Lyndo Jones was shot by police when they assumed he was breaking into his own car.

Jones was later brought to the hospital and handcuffed to the hospital bed as he fought for his life. Lack of empathy like this is cause for concern.

One must ask why the police cuffed the man to bed from the beginning? Along with wrongfully holding him, why did they not let his family or his lawyers know his whereabouts? Once the man's wife found him, the cops moved him to another room. Jones reported they “they held me for questioning’’. Wrongfully holding a man with no criminal charges is a crime; so is attempted murder.

For years there has been a gap in the justice system stemming from unknown predicates. We, the people, need to understand the problems this will continue to cause. Why is it that when police see black men they automatically assume they are performing a criminal act? Why is their first reaction to draw their guns? These are questions that we should all be asking.

As Americans we expect the law enforcement to keep us safe, but currently this is a widely unfulfilled expectation. The fact that this is only true for a select few in America is something we need to push to change. Imagine having to fear that every move you make because the wrong move could be the one to end your life?

As young adults we have to take an initiative to learn the law for our own well-being, so let's take charge of this horrid situation and become well informed on it. We need to make everyone aware that this is what real people go through. Together we can work strong and change the wrongs in the world like this one.

© 2017 From the CPHS Courier

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