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Should We Fear North Korea?

With every passing week headlines across America are filled with new developments about our nation's tension with North Korea. Yet many Americans still wonder whether or not we should fear North Korea. The truth of the matter is that there is nothing to fear.

Sure North Korea’s leader is questionable in his actions and sure they have been actively improving their armies but if you digest the situation and analyze the facts you can conclude that there is in fact nothing to be worried about.

North Korea’s air force and navy is nothing compared to what America has up its sleeve. Then you may ask, “What about North Korea's nuclear warhead?” So what if they have been testing their delivery system. Even if a nuclear missile could be launched at America, the United States is already well prepared.

In fact, as you are reading this article there is a United States naval strike group nearby korea actively monitoring their launch sites. Therefore, the second a missile is seen leaving Korea, America will instantly know it was launched. Though one thing many Americans are unaware of is that America possesses an anti ballistic missile system. This means that if a nuclear missile was indeed on its way toward America from North Korea stations in Alaska or California would fire interceptors at the incoming warhead and effectively destroy it without causing a nuclear explosion.

So, even though North Korea may possess the power to send a nuclear missile toward America there is no chance that the warhead would hit a United States city. Furthermore, the naval strike group by Korea is ready and waiting for the green light if North Korea did decide to attack America. At the end of the day, it is a lose lose situation for the North Koreans as they would get their missile shot out of the sky and they would have to bear the brunt of an American counter assault.


© 2017 From the CPHS Courier

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