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UGGs! For the Rain

In the famous words of the up-and coming R&B artist, Cardi B “it is officially ugg season!”.

What does this mean? The company UGGS, a popular contemporary brand of unisex sheepskin boots, tend to put out their latest improvement in their uggs, at the beginning of this chilly winter weather. This year, UGGS introduced the Water and Stain Resistant UGG line, which include a replica of their original ugg boots, named Classic II, retailing for $160 US Dollars.

Many tend to grab their pair of uggs very frequently for all types of weather whether it be snow, hail or rain, but because of their soft texture, the boots tend to become damaged easily and are vulnerable to liquid seeping through. Consequently, this leads to yet another purchase of boots. With the winter and “ugg” season already here, and UGG’s release of these new boots, people are either obsessed with them or questioning UGGs claim on their “water and stain resistant” boots.

The question is now just as anyone else's, can one call bluff on the Californian company’s claim on their waterproof UGGS or might these be the boots that can finally be used to jump to puddles in the rain? Heading over to the company’s website, the description on these boots, include brief details that the boots are in-fact “water-resistant”, meaning they can only withstand tiny droplets of water and any miniature spill which can be removed by blotting movements.

The description clearly states up top, these boots are not meant for rain, snow or large sums of water. Refinery29, an online media company, provides some insight that these UGG boots only offer their “water resistance” for six months. Of course, this would be only creating higher sales for the UGG company, and after six months there goes one’s 160 dollars. While this might not bother many loyal UGG customers, not only do you need to purchase the boots ,but also the care kit for these boots, retailing for $25.

Ana Colon, author of this piece states that “ Aesthetically, there are virtually no differences between the Classic and the Classic II, the only difference being the somewhat“water resistance” and new logo”.

Unfortunately, this is yet another “season”of the UGG company only releasing, like other companies, around holidays and chilly weather, just for numbers on charts and not completely showing any new products. The search for completely waterproof “winter” boots continues into 2018, with all of us hoping that we won’t succumb to buying new pairs of UGG boots because of a spill or unexpectedly getting caught in rain, while also keeping our toes warm.

© 2017 From the CPHS Courier

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