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What is WRONG with "US"?

Every generation in society has a defining characteristic that sets it apart from previous and future generations. The Great Generation is known for its valiant fight in the Second World War, the Silent Generation conformed to the societal structure established by their predecessors but they both have their flaws and features that set them apart from each other and other generations. Our generation seems to be characterized by many factors.

Growing up, the world faced an economic recession that has communities and industries still reeling today, a dramatic increase in violence, and a major division on political and societal lines. We’ve become so accustomed to such things, that we barely flinch, we barely react to any new headlines today.

More and more, indifference seems to be penetrating our minds. Deaths seem to numb our emotions, and with any attack that occurs, sympathy is felt, but is forgotten within the next few weeks. The world returns to its daily routine and keeps spinning, as if nothing ever happened.

Efforts are “made”, but not made. However, this indifference also affects any societal issue. With more and more rising of minorities, there seems to be indifference. When there is no indifference, there is a clear clash. With movements such as Black Lives Matter, or the feminist movement, there is a difficulty for members to have productive conversations about their causes.

Conformity seems to be the only “valid” option, and assimilation the second. Diversity is “respected and celebrated” but when it actually is, there is some sort of an uproar. Take the infamous Coca Cola commercial, in which multiple people of different groups sing the patriotic song “America the Beautiful” in their respective language. As the commercial came out, there was backlash saying that the advertisement was not “patriotic” and that it “should have been sung in English”. Assimilation was hinted at with these messages, obviously clashing with the message of embracing and celebrating diversity. Obviously if you have not heard about this before, well, clearly not enough people cared about it.

It is as if not everyone matters. The prosperity of one group is more important than success as a whole. One minority is NOT more important than another. One person is NOT more deserving of respect than another. We all deserve respect and equal treatment but how can we try to find it if we barely cared about the other? How can we care for one and not the other?

Even when things are said wrong or done wrong and those people try to make amends, there is always upheaval from some people. They claim to be for social justice but in fact, they almost seem “too perfect” to deal with. Any mistake is impossible to live down. Education doesn’t seem to matter, developing as a person is not “possible”. It is almost impossible to make a mistake and grow from it, making it harder to even converse with one another on controversial topics. How can we advocate for personal growth when we barely leave room for it?

However, amidst these terrible times comes the possibility for a bright future: more and more young people are becoming active in their communities, becoming politically active and fighting for their rights. It is inspiring to see young people rise to the forefront and advocate for movements and their interests. Although this coincides with the political tension of the modern day, it is still good that it at least is happening.

© 2017 From the CPHS Courier

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