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Fight the Flu!

Nobody wants the flu. It’s exhausting, terrifying, and revolting. It’s hard to get rid of and it is contagious. Since it’s flu season, everyone is struggling to avoid this condition. Currently, the flu is an epidemic killing people. It is a common viral infection that may be deadly. The flu is everywhere; on toys, books, chairs, pencils, and even phones. The flu is an unappreciated danger that kills thousands of people. Now is the time to prepare.

To avoid the flu, first get vaccinated. To reduce chances of getting the illness, everyone in the family and yourself should get vaccinated. Next, hand washing is your best method of protection. Before and after entering any place. Before and after eating, before and after using the bathroom and before and after touching your face, clean the germs from your hands. People should not do anything without washing their hands because you never know when the flu is there.

Also, you should wipe everything down that can spread the disease. Wipe down toys, door knobs, handles, remotes, light switches, etc.

Another way for preparation of the flu, in case someone in the household catches it, people should create a survival kit. People should keep fluids, honey, cold and sinus meds, cough drops, tissues, a thermometer, antiviral treatments, and fever-reducers in the kit. These life saving objects will help you get rid of the flu easier and faster. “When sick, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate,” Dr. Brandies explained to the New York Times.

“Don’t save tissues. It’s one and done. Those tissues can be a source of germs,” Dr. Butler informs his patients. Additional information that can also help with the flu includes turning away from sneezers, avoiding touching your face, opening windows, getting a humidifier, taking probiotics, swallowing a spoonful of honey, and having some chicken soup.

The information on how to prepare for the flu and get rid of it will help a lot. Preparing for the flu and creating a kit will keep you and your family stay safe and healthy through flu season. Pass this flu season in a healthy and flu free way by preparing sooner.

© 2017 From the CPHS Courier

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