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2018 Midterm elections

In the world of American politics, 2016 was a big year, however, 2018 is just as important. This year, midterm elections are being held and a large portion of the seats in Congress are being contested nationwide.

Some special elections are to be held as well, the most recent being the one in March that elected Conor Lamb into office for the 18th Congressional district in Pennsylvania and the next one being held on April 24th for the 8th Congressional district in Arizona. Along with that, many state level offices are being elected, and some states are choosing their next governors, 36 to be exact. Some of those states are Alaska, California, Georgia, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas and Vermont. 2017 is the year that New Jersey elected Phil Murphy to be the next governor of the state, succeeding Chris Christie of the Republican party. Some mayoral elections are also being held, including the election of mayor in Newark, New Jersey.

Though the main election is held in November, it is not the only election that will be held this year. For example, in Anchorage, Alaska, the city voted on a proposition that was targeted at the transgender community and whether it is a right to use the public facilities that correspond to the gender they identify with and not their biological sex. The result ended with the Alaskans voting down the proposition by 53.90%.

Though this year is not a presidential election year, it is important to take part in the democratic process. Just recently, Paul Ryan announced the end of his career as representative from Wisconsin. This comes at a time in which the Democrats are predicted to be the overall victors of this year’s midterm elections. The elections are being held in high regard as they serve as a referendum, a public opinion poll of sorts, on how the Republicans are running the nation.

As any other election year, it is important to stress the amount of power and change one vote can have on an election. It is important to maintain and exercise the right to vote, as it gives us the constituents the voice to be heard, regardless of our political affiliation or political beliefs. Conservative, liberal, independent, moderate, regardless of your political beliefs, it is important to make your voice heard through your vote. So that is why, if you will be 18 years of age by the November election, it is imperative that you register to vote!

© 2017 From the CPHS Courier

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