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The Problem with Blackface

Many controversies have come up in recent days involving blackface with notable brands like Gucci and politicians like Ralph Northam coming under fire. A question that has been floating in my head is: why don’t people understand how racist blackface is? The only answer I’ve come up with is that people are ignorant.

To understand the implications of the use of blackface, one must first look to its history. “Blackface” is when a non black person, often a white performer, paints their face black as an imitation of black people. It originated when white performers mocked African slaves in minstrel shows in the United States in the early 19th century. This was used to spread racist stereotypes around the country which it succeeded at. In the 1960s, the use of blackface died down because people realized how racist it is. However, in the 1980’s it resurfaced on college campuses as party goers chose to wear blackface to parties without consideration for the way is undermines people of color.

All the people and companies that have used blackface know the history of it, but still seem to miss the message that it is not, and never was, appropriate. For a company like Gucci to think it is not offensive to make a sweater that resembles blackface gets me frustrated. First of all, everyone knows what blackface looks like. Second of all, doesn’t Gucci have focus groups to review their products? I’m shocked that no one that works there noticed the issue. It’s ignorant to think that a sweater that is all black and covers the face to create red lips doesn’t imply blackface.

Democratic Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam and then Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring have both been in the news recently for photos of them during the 1980’s wearing blackface while in college. It is ridiculous to think that two men in positions like these were so racially insensitive. It doesn’t matter how long ago it was that someone did blackface, it’s still racist. African Americans have been telling the white community how racist blackface is since the 60s.

For some reason, blackface is a really big issue now. You would think that people would realize how offensive it is but they haven’t yet.

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