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Earth Day: What You Can Do to Help

The 22nd of April marks the day that our nation acknowledges the importance of preserving the beautiful planet that we call home. With talks of global warming and inadequate waste disposal being the center of recent discussion, only one question comes to mind - what can we do to stop it? It is safe to say that no one solution will reverse the years of damage that we have done to our planet, but there are plenty of ways that you can help.

Change Your Methods of Transportation

One of the most beneficial ways to show your support this Earth Day is to limit the amount of time that you spend in your car. Automobiles emit an assortment of major air pollutants that account for nearly 75% of carbon monoxide pollution in the U.S. Walking and bike-riding are two great ways to reduce air pollution and engage in physical activity that will improve your health and your mood. Both activities serve as an opportunity to take advantage of the outdoors and release endorphins.

Reduce Your Use of Plastic Goods

Our country’s continued attempts to put an end to the overuse of plastic products has been relatively successful, with many stores and major corporations beginning to decrease the amount of plastic used on a daily basis by switching to reusable items instead of disposable straws and paper bags. The best way for you to get involved at home is to purchase reusable water bottles instead of plastic water bottles, 80% of which never get recycled. Investing in reusable water bottles is also cheaper than purchasing water bottles on a regular basis.


It goes without saying that recycling is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce the amount of pollution created by waste. Recycling can be done through purchasing recycled paper, for example, or simply by looking for the recycled versions of everyday items. For a complete list of the Top 10 Ways to Recycle, click the link below.

BYOB: Bring Your Own Bag

Last but certainly not least, bring reusable bags to your local grocery stores to reduce the amount of plastic bags used and to get a potential discount on your purchase. Many popular grocery stores such as, Target, Whole Foods, and Trader Joe’s offer rewards to shoppers who bring their own their bags. Visit THIS LINK for 8 Stores That Will Pay You to Use Reusable Shopping Bags.

For more simple and effective ways that you can get involved in environmental improvement this Earth Day, click the links below for more information.

8 Stores That Will Pay You to Use Reusable Shopping Bags

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