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For Violet

Violet Spilliotes is a lovely kindergartener with a passion for life who has a rare case of pediatric cancer, and cannot leave her house. She does not have the ability to join her friends or play outside like other five year olds.

Not only is this a heartbreaking story of an incredibly young little girl, but Violet is also a part of the CPHS family. Miss Spilliotes, our very own art teacher is Violet’s mom. And, since she was diagnosed, Miss Spill, as her students call her, has taken a leave of absence to care for her daughter. Miss Spill is an alumna of Cliffside, and has been a part of the faculty at the high school for years. In light of these events, CPHS has come together to show our support in whatever way we can to Miss Spiliotes and her daughter in hopes of helping out in whatever ways we can.

Early in the spring, there was a Highlight for Violet sale, where students could purchase highlighters in Violet’s favorite color with the proceeds going to the family. This sale raised over $1100!

During the month of May, art students sold “Violets for Violet” and raised $760 in her name by selling flower shapes for donors to fill out with supportive messages for her. Once all the violets were complete, students built a wall mural in her honor on the second floor.

On Tuesday, May 21, CPHS hosted a “Walk for Violet”. Gym classes of all four grades, and staff members came together to walk the track for Violet in the colors of purple and gold. A small donation of two dollars was requested as a contribution to benefit the family and take part in the event. The walk raised over $2000 in her honor and showed

Fundraisers started up by gym staff such as Mr. Fucci, Ms. Reggo as well as Ms. Mueller, Mrs. Fucci, and Ms.Malone are a clear example of the way we have come together to support a great cause for a part of our community.

As the staff has said, they extend a huge thank you to all who have participated in these fundraisers. We wish Violet a speedy, and healthy recovery!

© 2017 From the CPHS Courier

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