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New Sources of CPHS Guidance

Change should always be welcomed. A new school year means a fresh start which is exactly what change is all about. Whether it comes as a new idea, a new skill, or even a new person. In this case, the guidance department at Cliffside Park Highschool has been flooded with changes, from new office locations for last year’s guidance counselors, to making space for two new staff members, Ms. Cruzado and Ms. Romano. They are the guidance department’s newest additions and are extremely excited to join the core of CPHS.

Coming from a big beauty company in New York City like Loreal Cosmetics, to counseling at Cliffside Park Highschool is definitely a tremendous shift of environment to say the

Least. Though, to Ms. Romano, working in the city in a company was only the stepping stone that aided her to be able to get towards what in her words, she felt was her “true calling”, being a highschool guidance counselor. Luckily, today she is one of our new counselors. Being in the multi-million dollar world of huge, successful companies allowed Ms. Romano to truly come to terms with what she wanted; she is truly passionate and eager to help kids, not just work for a product on display.

Today, Ms. Romano is not only a new addition to guidance, but to CPHS athletics as she is the assistant varsity girls soccer coach. This originates from her love for sports now and in her highschool years, and anything that involves being active like the gym, which she is her hobby.

A little more about Ms. Romano-she was a psycology major at the College of Holycross in Worcester, Massachusetts and got her masters in counseling at Montclair State. This trajectory was due to her love for her mom’s work in education, and her own values regarding mental health.

To Ms. Romano, Cliffside Park is a place where she feels she will have not only a great experience but a support system that will come to help in any circumstances. Welcoming, diverse and open with were some of the adjectives Ms Romano used to describe our student body and faculty. When asked what she wanted CPHS to know about her, Ms Romano responded by saying “My door is always open, I am always here for support, academically, or in real world situations. I am eager to help in all I can to make this year a memorable one.”

Alongside Ms. Romano is Ms. Cruzado, CPHS’s other new guidance counselor. Being from Hoboken, Ms. Cruzado always knew that staying around this area was where her future lay. Being able to feel that “close to home” vibe was something that Ms. Cruzado looked for, and found, here at CPHS. One of the aspects of our highschool that appealed to Ms. Cruzado was our culture, and how diverse it was. Coming from a Cuban and Puerto Rican home, she was excited to immediately see the large Latino community that populates the high school. She feels as though she truly identifies and understands the students, and their different situations.

During her highschool years, Ms Cruzado was a swimmer, and someone who always kept busy, whether it was babysitting or summer camps. Hardworking is definitely a word that fits Ms. Cruzado’s teenage years. Going from dance as a major to family and child studies is definitely quite a shift, though Ms. Cruzado felt it was necessary.

After having a personal experience with a high school guidance counselor who did not help as much as she had hoped, she wanted to be the exact opposite. Her goal is to be a support system for students in any way. The experiences with her counselor made her understand that a counselor should inspire you, and tell you to realistically shoot for the stars, and work hard, to your individual potential without settling.

A little more about Ms. Cruzados, her hobbies include spending time in nature hiking, biking, and outdoor camping. Though she does delve into her “girly” interests of makeup, and shopping. Ms. Cruzado had a very important ending statement to wrap up her interview, she mentioned that she picked this job because it’s what she loves, “to help and guide her students” and that the relationships you build with your students sometimes weigh more than grades.

Both of these new additions to the guidance department definitely agreed that this is a welcoming and friendly place. They look forward to helping and getting to know their students, faculty and school community. Putting some roots in at CPHS and making this year the best possible is definitely at their top list.

© 2017 From the CPHS Courier

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