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Senior Experience Internship

One of the coolest experiences for a high school student is definitely an internship in any career they wish to pursue. As a senior at CPHS, the opportunity arose for me to be able to participate in this hands-on experience at Bergen County Plaza in Hackensack, New Jersey. I have always had an interest in the inner workings of the government, and I plan to study Political Science in college. When the Senior Experience coordinators first proposed the idea of getting real world experience my junior year, I was beyond excited.

The internship consists of going once a week to your chosen work site, working with your boss or mentor, and at the end of the week writing a journal entry on what that day’s work was about. My internship was quite unique. While most students headed out to the hospitals, schools, and law firms early September, I waited two months to ensure that I had passed all the background checks my internship required. By the end of October, I got a call back and my SE coordinator accompanied me on my first interview. By the end of that day, I had gotten my county ID, met most of the staff, and was able to familiarize myself with the legal aspects of Bergen County.

Gaining an understanding of the legislation, communication, and policies of Bergen County makes up a large part of my internship. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity at a place that not many high school students get to see. Every Tuesday, I meet with my mentor and help him with press releases, different issues going throughout the county, and with meetings with the Freeholder’s office, as well as the County Clerk.

I am ecstatic to be able to have this opportunity because I it lets me dip my feet into a possible future career path. As of now, this program is limited to our students as well as those attending the Academies of Bergen County. Not only does it allow for real world experience, it helps you create relationships and networks with those in a field of your interest for any future endeavours. Making yourself known and really applying yourself to this internship could lead to new doors opening up for you in the future.

I recommend this program to any senior looking to add to their college resume, as an internship looks stellar for college admission reps. Also, for any of those seniors who may not be too sure of what they would like to pursue, this could be a great way for you to learn and discover different paths.

© 2017 From the CPHS Courier

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