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AIDS Awareness Month

The month of December is AIDS Awareness month, a time when people living with HIV/AIDS bring awareness to the disease by getting involved in the community. AIDS day, which takes place on December 1st, is the first health day that is supported by nearly every country around the world. There are over 36 million people worldwide who have been exposed to the disease, and by becoming more vocal on the issue, we can learn more about the disease and any new treatment options that may become available in the near future.

AIDS is a life-threatening chronic disease that progresses from the HIV infection. The early stages of the disease include flu-like symptoms, but if left untreated, HIV advances into AIDS. Since HIV can be treated thanks to the latest medical and technological advancements, it is important to get an early diagnosis. According to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) regional office in Europe, “almost 90% of AIDS diagnoses happened within just 90 days of HIV diagnosis. This indicates that the majority of these AIDS cases could have been avoided with early diagnosis.”

Currently, there are many different ways to control the HIV infection before it progresses. According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, “...the ideal treatment for HIV infection would be a therapeutic vaccine. Unlike a vaccine designed to prevent HIV infection, a therapeutic vaccine would be given to people already infected with the virus.” This way, patients’ immune systems can “be ready to control any future emergence of HIV and thereby end the need for further therapy, perhaps saving periodic booster shots.”

Anyone who wants to show their support of the movement is encouraged to join the “Rock The Ribbon Campaign”, sponsored by the World Aids Day organization. You can start by visiting the “Rock The Ribbon Campaign” website and purchasing a red ribbon from their online shop. You can also help to raise money for the organization by selling red ribbons at your school or office, and by posting the World Aid Day organization’s campaign posters on your social media with the tag #RockTheRibbon.


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