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Coronavirus Outbreak

The coronavirus has become a major concern for people all around the world. In almost every country, there has been an outbreak of the virus. So far, there have been 45,000 cases worldwide. With this comes a lot of misinformation about the virus. Many of these misconceptions are about how the virus is spread and how deadly the virus truly is.

One of the most common misconceptions about the coronavirus is that it is highly contagious and spreads quicker than any other virus. In reality, many other viruses are much more contagious in comparison to the coronavirus. The measles, for example, is significantly more contagious than the coronavirus, yet the hysteria surrounding the coronavirus remains. Another common misconception about the virus is that anyone who contracts the virus will die from it. However, the estimated percentage of the population that has died from the coronavirus is a mere 2%. The elderly and people with medical issues are among those who should be concerned. Other viruses like the flu and ebola have killed more than coronavirus has so far this year.

The final misunderstanding about the virus is that we should refrain from eating Chinese food or using Chinese products in order to prevent contracting the virus. Unless the person preparing your food has been to China recently, then there is no need to worry about getting the virus. And if they had traveled to China recently, it is more likely than not that they were checked and cleared for the virus before reentering the country.

The coronavirus started in the city of Wuhan, China, a city with a population of 11.08 million. The Huebi providence, where Wuhan is located, has become known as the epicenter of the virus. The CDC found that some cases of coronavirus came from the local food markets. However, the verdict remains that the virus is spread primarily through person to person contact. The virus has reached countries miles away from mainland China, but the cases are not nearly as widespread as they are in China. The CDC reports that the severity of the virus remains unclear, but some of the more severe cases often do result in death. “The fact that this virus has caused illness, including illness resulting in death, and sustained person-to-person spread in China is concerning,” says the CDC. The likelihood of the virus being as severe for us as it has become in China is low.

Although there are cases of coronavirus in the US, the chances of you or someone you know getting it remain low. However, there are some recommendations from the CDC that are meant to prevent you from getting sick. First, it is recommended that you recieve your flu shot. “It’s currently flu and respiratory disease season and the CDC recommends getting a flu vaccine, taking everyday preventive actions to help stop the spread of germs, and taking flu antivirals if prescribed,” says the CDC. Washing your hands is also a great way to prevent contracting any virus.

The reality is that the coronavirus has a low chance of affecting you, but it is still recommended that you take the necessary safety precautions to ensure that you do not become sick. The best way to prevent yourself from contracting any virus is to wash your hands and keep good hygiene. Being that the coronavirus is relatively new, there remain many things that researchers do not know about the virus and as of now, there is no vaccine to treat it.


© 2017 From the CPHS Courier

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