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2023 Tennis Team : Seniors Captains Final Year

Written by : Wendy Palaguachi

The class of 2023 consists of seniors who are participating in their last year of their chosen sport. Their last year set the younger students on a course of wins and defeats, those who are admired and sought after by the younger students would aspire to be just as good as them. The underclassmen are being taught life lessons, shown how the world works, and they are being shown the proper route by these seniors. The student athletes are not only participating for amusement, they are giving it their all because they enjoy the game. What will occur once they depart? The majority of seniors will continue playing their favorite sport, while others may just do so as a pastime.

The tennis team and the spring season have both begun. New student athletes join the tennis team every year. Every year, a growing number of people join the team slowly. Growing steadily larger.

The tennis team this year features a new player as well as a new head coach, Mr. Kvesic, who has been in charge of the squad since its inception. For seniors and tennis team leaders, this year was a bit unique. The team this year has been in their senior captains’ sights.

Who are the Seniors Captains?

Joey Moon and Julian Barreto are the captains of the 2023 tennis team. These two seniors have been successfully guiding their team while also learning a great deal. Observing their practice, I can tell how much these freshmen value their seniors and how they enjoy each other’s company while having fun. These seniors honored their new coach, Mr. Kvesic, who was guiding them for the first time.

The captains of the tennis team were conversed with and questioned, and the answer they provided revealed how much they like the sport and their teammates. During their two years as members of the CPHS tennis team, Captain Joey Moon and Julian Barreto count having a varsity tournament as one of their fondest experiences. The Junior Varsity squad accompanied them on their journey to assist them and to show their support for them. They had a good time traveling back to school on the bus, enjoying the music, singing loudly, laughing and even sobbing. They also enjoyed having a barbecue on the track with their teammates as the season came to a conclusion, which was another great event for them.

Throughout his two years of competition, Captain Julian Barreto believed that his sport would be simple. However, as the season began, they discovered that it was more difficult than it appeared to be, but they ultimately succeeded in becoming the players they had always wanted to be.

They were one of the younger players that looked up to their older leaders throughout their first season. As Joey Moon said, “We were one of those underclassmen who looked up to their Captain. It’s cool how we are the Captains now, having the younger players look up to us.” “If you stick with the sport, you’ll get better over time,” he said, adding some advice for the freshmen. Both Julian Barreto and team captain Joey Moon are mentoring their younger teammates to help them become the players they aspire to be. They are teaching kids how to have a positive attitude while playing and how, whether they win or lose, they will always have each other by their side.

They did not begin playing tennis out of boredom; rather, they were curious to see what tennis was all about. Joey Moon defines himself as a laid-back person who has been playing for two years, whereas Julian Barreto considers himself as a motivated person.

While speaking to the seniors, they both express grief at leaving the squad, about how they felt, knowing this is their final season. They created some moments that they will cherish. They became a family because of the experiences, tears, smiles, victories, and defeats they experienced with their colleagues. They will carry with them the support they have provided for one another along the way. They were happy they tried out for the squad two years ago, since they ended up with some experiences and individuals they cared about. Despite all they had to go through this year, they still believed it was worthwhile. Joey Moon and Julian Barreto have developed into two of their team’s top players. To achieve where they are, they both put forth a lot of effort.

While speaking to one of their teammates, Hojamrat Eyeberdive, who is new to the team, revealed his opinions on joining the team and the senior players. Since he used to play for himself before joining the CPHS tennis team, this year was different because, in his words, “now with a team it has to be a team win instead of someone winning for themselves.” Since the weather was awful before the season began, he didn’t get a chance to meet his new teammates when he first joined the team.``

Hojamrat Eyeberdive, a player, spent a few years in his hometown as a solo player. He has learned a lot about his teammates since joining the team. He described the pre-court conversation between him and his teammates. He describes how they talked about their plans and how, following the game, they would examine their mistakes on the court. He developed into one of Cliffside Park High School’s top players since he played both with the team and on his own.

The team’s captains, Joey Moon and Julian Barreto, were gracious and welcoming to him while he was still learning about collaboration. He is still working to comprehend his team members more. Even if he doesn’t know his captains well, he will miss them and reflect on the compassion they showed him this past season.

Seniors will be free and able to travel the world as they spend their final moments with the people and sport they care about. Their lives will be filled with the memories they have made. They will consider the results they produced in the past. The people they care about will miss the seniors, while they strive to realize their own dreams.


© 2017 From the CPHS Courier

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