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How World Crisis Has Shaped and Innovated Technology

As a result of COVID-19 and other crises that have impacted the world since the beginning of this year, humanity has needed to rely on technology more than ever before. With these changes, life is now about convenience and efficiency, especially on a commercial level. Every day, technological pioneers work to improve the daily lives of average citizens and make everyday life simpler and safer.

One of the most famous expositions recently was Elon Musk’s unveiling of Neuralink, a wireless implant that could potentially allow humans to telepathically control digital devices through neural interface. The device has worked successfully with pigs, our closest genetic cousins, which allowed the animal to send signals to a remote device when performing functions such as eating. Neuralink technology is still in need of improvement, but if done successfully, it will be a major breakthrough for communication and convenience in a time when quarantining has become a normal part of our lives.

Of the many defining issues of this year, wildfires have greatly affected regions of Australia and the United States’ Pacific coastline. The impact of the wildfires have been devastating, resulting in extreme habitat loss, the destruction of homes, and the loss of lives. The effects of climate change have never been more unprecedented than they are today. Environmental policy and public outcry have resulted in new perspectives on how we can improve on technology and either rid or reduce the effects of climate change on the environment. One of the most notable pushes to fight climate change has been electric cars. The automobile market has shifted significantly in past years. Companies like Tesla, Chevrolet, and Nissan have changed the game to meet the consumer demand for environment-friendly vehicles. Even more so, the state of California and countries in Europe have determined that a future ban on diesel and petroleum could change how people drive in the next 5 to 15 years.

Technology will continue to change and improve, but it is up to us to point technological advancements in the right direction.



© 2017 From the CPHS Courier

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