Letters to military families
Rubi Orellana
Veterans Day originated at the end of World War I, when the fighting came to an end. Fighting stopped at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in the year 1918, ending with the signing of an armistice. Veterans Day is on November 11th every year. It is a significant event because it allows us to thank the brave men and women of our armed forces. This includes those who are presently serving to protect our country, and the veterans who have offered their lives for our country. Veterans Day is a day to reflect on the freedom that we enjoy as a result of these individuals’ hard work and dedication. The lives of many American soldiers have been lost while fighting for our country. We must always remember and honor their sacrifice.
Cliffside Park High School’s Wellness Club did something special to thank veterans on this day. The Wellness Club wrote letters to veterans, thanking them for their service. These weren’t just any veterans, however. The letters were specifically addressed to CPHS’s own veterans and their families. The letters thanked military families within the school for their sacrifices and bravery. These letters were given to teachers and other faculty.
Ms. Romano, the Wellness Club's leader, was able to hand out all of the letters to the teachers for their families on Veterans Day. In each letter, club members expressed their heartfelt gratitude and affection for these families who made a difference in our country. The letters were well received by the faculty, who viewed them as a good way to honor Veterans Day.
Veterans who battle for our freedom are truly heroes, and this day is dedicated to them. Veterans and all military personnel put their lives on the line for us every time they step onto the battlefield. They secure our protection and way of life. On Veterans Day, and every day, we express our gratitude to them. Our true champions!
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