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Met Gala Controversies

Carla Paz

The Met Gala is the biggest fashion event of the year, renowned for its glitz and glamour. However, this year’s Met Gala is facing criticism due to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘Tax the Rich’ dress and the arrest of activists outside of the event.

The main source of controversy was AOC’s dress, a white gown with the red letters “Tax the Rich” sprawled on the back. The designer of AOC’s dress, Aurora James, has nearly $103,220 in unpaid taxes for her brand. She also faces allegations that she has not paid her workers. James has three tax w

arrants for not paying $14,798 in income taxes to the state of New York. She also has a $17,000 fine for not giving worker’s compensation insurance to her employees. Recently, the fine went up to $62,722; it has not been paid. Former workers have described her work environment as“a sweatshop that relied on legions of unpaid interns working full-time jobs” (New York Post). Despite all this, her brand received $41,666 in pandemic relief.

AOC herself has gotten criticism for the infamous dress. Many have pointed out the event she attended was $35,000 for a ticket and $200,000 for a table. AOC herself did not pay these prices, as New York politicians are invited as honored guests. She is also receiving backlash for hiring James to design her dress. AOC is a vocal supporter of better treatment for workers. Hiring someone like James, facing allegations of mistreating her employees, has some calling AOS a hypocrite.

Just outside of the event, nine activists were arrested for protesting against the NYPD. BLM protesters argued that the NYPD’s $11 billion in resources could be used to help black and brown families facing homelessness. In New York City alone, the average monthly rent has increased by almost 40% in the last 20 years, while wages have increased by only 15% in the same amount of time. Many face homelessness in the state. One of the arrested activists, Ella Dior, said “Black and brown people are on the brink of houselessness. We cannot go back to normal. Where was your rage last year?” Many have pointed out the juxtaposition between the met gala attendees and the protestors. While celebrities ate inside the gala, clothed in expensive clothes, the protesters outside were being arrested after standing up for impoverished people. Ella says it best, “Wearing a ‘Peg the Patriarchy,’ ‘Tax the Rich’ doesn’t do anything for us.”

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