Senior interview
Written by: Juan Vinasco
We all remember our freshman year. We walked through a big door then we got lost in the classrooms. In that moment everything changed. The first year is never forgotten. This was what our senior students said their freshman experience was like. A big change, but they really enjoyed their sophomore year. They said that it was the year in which you only worried about taking good classes and doing your best. Having more of a mind to join a club or a sport. They also said that each class was unique. Each person learned something unique in their own way. They also mentioned how their Freshman and Sophomore years were all about doing their best in their classes. Junior year was the most difficult year because they had many exams. Many said that the exams were the most difficult since many of them were necessary during that year. They had to think about their credits. They asked themselves do I have enough credits? Do I need more credits to graduate? In addition, they’re also thinking about their future careers and the opportunity to have a well paying job. At the end of their senior year it is time to send letters to universities, worry about graduating, and obtaining a good job. It is also the year in which every effort was worth it to reach the end and meet the goals we always had in mind. In these years, they had new experiences, met new people, and grew as a person. A lot of high school involves looking at the possibilities of being wrong in things and learning from them. Four hard years later, your time at Cliffside Park High School concludes. Congratulations to the graduating class of 2023!