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Written by: Rosaly Gomez

The softball season is in full swing. I recently got to speak with Coach Cibelli about how the softball season is going. This is what she said:

Q: How did your team do this season?

A: We have been steadily improving, and despite our record it's been a rebuilding year and the girls have responded and want to learn how to get better and win

Q: Were your expectations met for your team this season?

A: I would say we have learned to come together as a team and play the game. Our youngness has hindered us a little bit, but the ability to see growth and mature as players have helped overcome some of that.

Q: What do you plan to do next season to improve?

A: Next year I would like to make the county tournament, as we have the talent and I want them to grasp the concepts and little nuances of the game to become all-round great players.

Q: What advice would you give to your players now that the season is over?

A: Take a step back and look at the season they each had, recognize what they need well and use that confidence to motivate them to get better in the offseason so their weaknesses become their strengths.

Q: What was the greatest challenge your team faced this season and how did they overcome it?

A: As I said before we are young and they had a new coaching staff so the trust and the rebuild came into play, but learning to trust the process and us as coaches and as coaches trusting them has improved and helped us continually move forward and pass the learning curve to mature as athletes and as individuals.

Q: How did you keep your team motivated and positive during a loss?

A: I hate losing more than I love winning, so I look at the effort. Effort drives success and to focus on the positives that happen. I try to point out the little things that went wrong and use them as teachable moments to show them that they can do it. I'm trying to instill in them that you can't get too low after a loss, but learn from it, the same way they can't get too high after a win.

Q: Describe the qualities you possess that make you an effective athlete.

A: Hard-work, the ability to be coached (like the willingness to learn) be a leader on and off the field, with the balance of talk and actions that speak louder than words.

Thank you to Coach Cibelli for helping with today’s article. I am delighted to hear that the softball season is going great. Go raiders!


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