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The Force Is Strong in France

In France, lightsaber dueling has become an official sport. People can learn how to wield a lightsaber and apply their new skills in a legitimate competition. What exactly is lightsaber dueling, and why is it a sport?

In George Lucas’s Star Wars saga, Jedi Knights use lightsabers as their weapons. A lightsaber is a plasma blade with a metal hilt that is strong enough to cut through practically any material. Lightsaber wielders can opt for a single lightsaber, a double-bladed lightsaber, or use two lightsabers at once. In Star Wars, lightsaber duels are a sight to behold. The combatants flipping through the air, the lightsabers gleaming, and the sound of them crashing against each other combined with the famous Star Wars soundtrack playing in the background makes this event unlike any other. It is hard for me to believe that lightsaber dueling can be recreated in the real world.

Regardless of my disbelief, lightsaber dueling is here. Rather than a plasma blade able to cut through anything, the duelers use a polycarbonate replica with an LED-lit blade. These replicas flash and make noise when they collide, making them look and sound similar to the film versions. Duelers must wear body armor and a mask to prevent from injury, among other game-time rules that duelers must follow. Strikes to different parts of the body earn a certain amount of points, and whoever gets to fifteen points first within a three minute period wins the match.

Lightsaber dueling is based off of “kendo”, a Japanese martial art-based fighting style that incorporates a sword. Lightsaber dueling is very similar to fencing in terms of both the rules of the game and the style of fighting. However, one of the key differences is that duelers swing their lightsabers rather than stabbing straight with their swords as seen with rapiers.

Lightsaber dueling’s similarity to fencing has made it a legitimate sport. The French Fencing Confederation hoped to interest children and get them to be more active by using the Star Wars fighting style. Any child would be amazed by the realization they could “use the force” and fight with a lightsaber themselves. Lightsaber duels allow children to get exercise while also doing something they find fun. Who would want to play football when you could be a Jedi?

France’s decision to make lightsaber dueling an official sport has amazed Star Wars fans everywhere. Imagine how amazing it must feel to see a concept from your favorite movie be applied to real life! Rumor has it that there is even a possibility that the sport will be included in the Olympics one day. However, the real question is...are they using the Force as Jedis or Siths?



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