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The Shift in Opinions Regarding the Israel-Palestine Issue

Danjer Garcia

Out of many problems in the world, one of the most controversial conflicts is the Israel and Palestine conflict. Its lengthy history has caught the attention of many in the past month due to recent airstrikes and tragic deaths. The violence has highlighted the issues of neglected human rights and the imbalance of power in the region.

Before 1948, Palestine was under the British Mandate. It was declared a free state and established governing laws. On May 15, 1948, the British made way for Jewish settlers to displace 300,000 Palestinians and replace Palestine as an Israeli state. This led to the Arab-Israeli war, which is, arguably, the root of most of the problems in the Middle East.

This conflict is essentially about the land and the people that reside within it. However, the issue is rooted in religion. Jerusalem is a place of great religious significance to both Muslims and Jews. Jerusalem is holy to Judaism because it contains the Western Wall, an important place for worshipping. Jerusalem is holy to Muslims because it contains the Al Aqsa Mosque, an important place for worship.

Today, Israel abuses its power and violates simple human rights, such as water usage, sewer systems, garbage disposals, and unnecessary blockades. It is estimated that 1.9 million Palestinians have died since 1948 due to wars, military murders, and occupation imposed deprivation.

After Israeli police disrupted a gathering for the start of Ramadan, violence erupted from both sides as they attacked each other through destruction of property and the launching of bombs. During this period, Israel conducted an 11-day bombardment campaign. There have been a total of 250 Palestinian deaths—66 of which were children. Israel’s bombing campaign resulted in retaliation by the group that controls the Gaza Strip, Hamas, which sent airstrikes of its own. Hamas claims it conducts these religious-based attacks as retaliation against Israel’s murders. Throughout the world, countless individuals grieve the needless deaths of Palestinians.

Demonstrations took place around the globe to show solidarity for the Palestinian cause. One of these Demonstrations occurred in the Bronx during the Memorial Day Rally. Pro-Palestine protesters besieged and climbed a Bronx bridge while others took to the streets and clashed with police. According to the Daily Mail, the goal of the protest was to urge the halting of aid being sent to Israel. Protestors used different methods to get their message out. Banners at the event read “Defund Israel” and “Zionism is Nazism.” Protesters brandished flags reading “Stop the ethnic cleansing.” Protesters took to chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”

Lawmakers have started to question the U.S. government’s policies regarding the issue, showing a shift of opinions from pro-Israel to symphatizing with Palestine. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explained in a recent speech that the issue is not about the different sides but rather the “an imbalance of power.” The United States Congresswoman refers to the fact that the U.S. offers its support to Israel through diplomacy and the US military, according to Al Jazeera. Therefore, this gives Israel far more power and support than Palestine.

Although the situation between Israel and Palestine might not be resolved soon, it seems as though support for Israel is beginning to wane as supporters of the Palestinian cause begin to increase.


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