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The Sixth Mass Extinction

Written by: Rosaly Gomez

The sixth mass extinction is currently undergoing. Scientists believe the sixth mass extinction is happening due to current means of life.

A mass extinction is a period in time in which several of the Earth’s bacteria, plants, and animals begin to die out. The fifth mass extinction occurred 65.5 million years ago.

Unlike previous mass extinctions, this mass excision is happening due to human activity. We are currently undergoing unsustainable use of land, water, and energy. The way that crops are currently being produced is highly affecting the planet. Growing crops is causing tremendous deforestation as well as using the planet's water.

Another huge factor of mass extinction is climate change. Severe droughts have been occurring around the world. With severe weather changes, it is harder to grow crops. In addition, without crops or water, animals will not survive.

If changes are not made immediately, the Earth will no longer be able to produce food. Animals will also go extinct. All of this will eventually lead to the extinction of the mass population. Once there is no food or water on the planet, it is no longer sustainable for humans to live.

But what can we do to help? According to world wildlife, in order to help prevent mass extinction, it is recommended to cut carbon emissions under the Paris Agreement as a way to limit global warming, making wiser consumer choices, and encouraging government officials to make responsible decisions for our planet. Donating is also a beneficial way to help. There are many organizations such as Defenders of Wildlife, Jane Goodall Foundation, Save the Elephants, and many more.

Together, we can prevent humans and animals from going into mass extinction!


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