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Who is George Santos?

Written by: Julianna Oriente

A little white lie on your resume won’t hurt, right? Add in some activities that you tried a few times, but didn’t continue. How will they know? Maybe, lie about your academic history, family history, past employment to make yourself an entirely different person. No one will find out…right?

George Santos, a member of Congress, has completely fabricated his resume. He never thought that these lies would catch up to him. Back in late 2021, during his campaign, Santos went through a basic background check. This background check ensured that he came face-to-face with his lies.

Santos claimed that he went to Horace Mann School in the Bronx for a short period of time. Then, he allegedly transferred to a private school. He was forced to leave this school due to financial issues. Recently, it has been revealed that there is no proof of him attending this private school. Santos says he attended college at Baruch College, and graduated in 2010. When reviewing the college’s class of 2010, there was no sign of Santos. Santos later stated that after college, he worked on Wall Street. Unsurprisingly, this was proven to be false.

The lies are not limited to his academic and employment history. Santos has also discussed his family’s history, namely that they were Holocaust survivors. It was uncovered that his family is actually Catholic. His family immigrated from Brazil. There is no record of his family being in Europe during World War II. Clearly, Santos is not aware of his own family’s history.

These outright lies reveal a lot about his character. Santos is willing to go to extreme lengths to make himself look good, and further his political agenda. Many are calling for him to be removed. However, no action has been made by Congress. Santos stated that he promises to continue his term and be truthful. A large portion of his voters no longer trust him, and now regret voting for him. Some feel as if his lies are not a major issue and still support him. Santos seems to be unbothered and continues to serve in Congress. As a representative for the people, can George Santos be truthful? Will he carry out the will of the people with integrity?

With other lies about his past and family continuing to be uncovered, he is still under great scrutiny. George Santos has shown Americans how easy it was for him to lie and get away with it. For George Santos, 2023 definitely did not start well. Many question what is true? What other lies are there? Who is George Santos?


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