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Why It Is Crucial to Vote in This Election

The upcoming presidential Election Day will take place on Tuesday, November 3rd. If you are registered to vote, I strongly urge you to do so. If you are not registered to vote but are eligible, you are encouraged to register as soon as possible and vote. Voting is one of our civic duties but more than that it is our responsibility and privilege as citizens. In addition to the presidential election taking place this November, the House of Representatives and Senate have elections for seats, along with local and state elections. People are being pushed to vote now more than ever because of the many protests in response to injustices that have occurred and continue to occur in American society.

It is important for us as Americans to use our voices to advocate for an equal society in which all citizens are given equal opportunity to succeed. Since President Donald Trump took office in 2016, minority communities have seen an increase in acts of violence and hate crimes against them. It is crucial that as we take a look around us and shed some light on the crises happening at the moment. The overwhelming impact of existing humanitarian crises and the spread of COVID-19 means that refugees and other marginalized communities are in need of urgent support.

Congress has the power to ensure the United States continues to provide need-based humanitarian aid and protects foreign assistance programs, which account for roughly one percent of the federal budget, but saves lives all over the world. Women living in the midst of some of the most prolific humanitarian crises of today still lack basic access to maternal health services. With the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been even more difficult for the global health community to meet family planning needs. Lawmakers have the authority to support gender equality and changes to U.S. food assistance that saves lives, which is why it is so important to examine the stance of politicians on these issues.

I urge voters to educate themselves on each candidate and their positions on today's most important issues. Those eligible to vote have the opportunity to use their voices to initiate change, so get out there and vote!



© 2017 From the CPHS Courier

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